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The April 26 event begins at MCCC and is sponsored by Whitpain Township and GVF

New bike lane to Wentz Run Park on Anvil Lane to be celebrated with Whitpain bike ride

  • Government

A new bike lane leading to Wentz Run Park will get plenty of use on Friday, April 26 during a Whitpain Township and nonprofit GVF bike ride event.

Both organizations will celebrate the installation of the Anvil Road Bike Lane with an 8:15 a.m. bike ride to promote GVF’s “Bike More, Drive Less” project.

Interested bikers should meet at 8:15 a.m. at the Montgomery County Community College Blue Bell campus, followed by an 8:30 a.m. departure. Arrival at Wentz Run Park will be around 8:45 a.m. with a 9 a.m. press event.

According to Whitpain Wire newsletter, GVF, a nonprofit Transportation Demand Management and transportation management agency founded in 1990, surveyed residents and analyzed data to determine that a bike lane on Anvil Lane would be an area of improvement.

Township supervisors adopted a no-parking ordinance on Anvil Lane and then installed the dedicated lane and associated signage.

According to Whitpain Wire, GVF is leading an innovative, new project that supports bicycling as a travel option. The DVRPC-funded “Bike More, Drive Less” project falls in line with the county’s Bike Montco project, according to Whitpain Township.



Tony Di Domizio

Tony Di Domizio is the Managing Editor of NorthPennNow and PerkValleyNow, and a staff writer for WissNow. Tony graduated from Kutztown University and went on to serve as a reporter and editor for various news organizations, including Patch, The Reporter, and The Morning Call. He loves creative writing, action figure collecting & reselling, music, and films with Michael Keaton & Al Pacino.

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