As part of a Comprehensive Plan update provided by newly sworn-in Township Manager Eric Traub, Whitpain is seeking to find a consultant to aid in developing pathways for attainable housing.
“We’re looking to provide housing options for teachers, nurses, etc.,” said Traub. “What we’re looking to do is hire an outside firm to provide assistance and best practices to staff, to our solicitor, as we evaluate what are the appropriate next steps here in Whitpain Township.”
The specific motion permitted the solicitor and township staff to find a consultant in a related field. This consultant would provide details and direction as it pertains to the Comprehensive Plan for the township. Specifically, the contractor would be asked to focus on areas of the community’s workforce, as well as attainable housing.
Prior to hiring, and seeking the board’s approval, the staff will seek a “Request for Qualifications (RFQ)” from each potential contractor. These details would then be brought back to the board for review.
“As we go through the process, and have the RFQ, and have responses to the RFQ, whatever direction we seem to go, or recommend to the board, would come back to the board for further discussion and approval,” said Traub.
Vice-Chair Kimberly Koch made the motion to approve this action. Supervisor Jeff Campalongo seconded the motion. Prior to the vote, there was no public comment. Koch, however, made comments addressing the larger issue.
“Affordable housing is a national crisis,” she said. “It is a statewide crisis. It’s a county-wide crisis.”
Koch said that she wants the local community to begin to seek answers to these issues.
“The hope here is that Whitpain can be part of the solution, to make sure that the practices we have established, especially as we’re looking at potential home development, help to be a part of that solution,” she said. “[We want to] contribute to finding out the ways to affordable housing in Whitpain.”
The motion was approved by the five-member board unanimously.