Sen. Collett announces $3.3 million for affordable housing projects

Senator Maria Collett has announced $3,315,000 in grant funding for affordable housing projects and services in Montgomery County through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enha

(Credit: Sen. Maria Collett / Facebook)

  • Government

Senator Maria Collett has announced $3,315,000 in grant funding for affordable housing projects and services in Montgomery County through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) fund.

“Far too many Pennsylvanians – including residents of my Montgomery County district – are struggling to secure safe, affordable housing in their communities,” Collett said. “I’m proud to announce these investments from the PA Housing Finance Agency to combat homelessness, provide support services, and make sure the affordable housing stock we do have is properly maintained.”

Grant recipients serving Montgomery County include: 

  • Federation Housing, Inc. - $1,000,000 for the Blue Bell Senior Residence, the first affordable housing development in Whitpain Township.
  • Your Way Home - $800,000 for homeless prevention services and financial assistance for at-risk individuals and families.
  • Family Promise Montco PA - $350,000 for family shelter accessibility improvements.
  • Indian Creek Foundation - $250,000 for integrated supports within their Housing for Persons with Disabilities Project.
  • Philadelphia Green Capital Corp - $200,000 for roof repairs and electrical upgrades in low-income households across the Greater Philadelphia region.
  • Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania - $150,000 to replicate effective homeless and eviction prevention program models.
  • TriCounty Community Network - $125,000 for the College Student Basic Needs Program Affordable Housing Scholarship funds.
  • Clarifi - $100,000 for their Housing Stability Counseling program.
  • Valley Youth House Committee, Inc - $100,000 for The Synergy Project to provide mobile street outreach services.
  • Access Services - $80,000 to support five Recovery Oriented Rapid Rehousing units.
  • Liberty Resources Inc. - $60,000 to assist disabled and senior individuals with housing counseling services.
  • Genesis Housing Corporation - $50,000 for housing counseling and financial education.
  • Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania - $50,000 for fair housing counseling.

The PHARE Program is managed by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. Since 2012, the program has received a portion of the impact fees collected from natural gas companies operating in the state with the goal of addressing an affordable housing shortage caused by the economic impact of drilling. That is supplemented by a portion of the realty transfer tax funding.

322 housing and community development initiatives received a total of $64.8 million for fiscal year 2023-24.


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