Supervisors to vote tonight on Whitpain Township's single-use plastics ban

Much of the public comment on the matter has been in support of such an ordinance

Much of the public comment on the matter has been in support of such an ordinance

  • Government

“Paper or plastic?”

It is a phrase that may go out of fashion quickly. (Only adults “of a certain age” may remember the time-honored hostess question of “Smoking or non?” that resonated through restaurants well before the smoking bans of most states.) Perhaps the next generation will never have to hear it and find it odd we ever didn’t carry our own.

Whatever your age, chances are you’ve heard the buzz. Whitpain Township is considering an important ordinance that would ban or limit the application of single-use plastics.

The Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors will consider the option to limit single-use plastics at its public meeting tonight, Oct. 15 at 6 p.m. The public is invited to attend and to speak at the sessions at predetermined times. The meetings can be attended in person or on Zoom. (You can follow the link to join and enter Passcode: 691636.)

Those wishing to attend by phone can also “call into” the meeting to listen in on the decision. Simply have these digits handy:

  • Dial: 301-715-8592
  • Webinar ID: 814 1029 4087
  • Passcode: 691636

According to the Whitpain Wire, the township’s newsletter, the board of supervisors will consider the adoption of the ordinance tonight. Such a change would primarily limit the use of single-use plastic bags at all businesses in the township.

As previously reported by Wissahickon Now here, the township has already heard a plethora of public commentary, largely in favor of the option. Nearby Upper Dublin Township has also adopted a similar ordinance. After a six-month soft launch, the township’s Board of Commissioners began enforcing its township’s ban in early September.

The fully proposed ordinance can be read in its entirety here. The ordinance creates a new “Chapter 115,” which says that its aim is to “reduce the use of single-use plastic bags, expanded polystyrene food service products, and single-use plastic utensils” offered by any retail location in the township.

It also notes the ordinance’s goals as curtailing litter, reducing waste, promoting the use of reusable items, reduce landfill levels, and preservation of the environment among its aspirations.

No effective nor enforcement date have yet been added, as the timing will depend on the township’s adoption date, should the ordinance pass. The ordinance states that it will not include some perishable items or point-of-sale pieces, such as produce bags, raw meat bags, live animal bags for fish or similar purchases, bags sold and packaged by a manufacturer (i.e. trash bags, sandwich bags, etc.), newspaper bags, and garment bags.

Retail food and beverage establishments will be required to stop the use of any Styrofoam products, such as food containers, plates, cups, trays, etc. It will also enforce that all retail locations stop the use of single-use plastic utensils, except upon request of a customer.

Most all of the changes will occur over the coming year, should the ordinance pass. There will be an “effective date,” which then allows for a full calendar year afterward before the township will begin penalizing businesses for infractions. Enforcement will be the responsibility of the board of supervisors, and will include violation punishments of:

  • A written warning on first offense (with a 30-day grace period before a second can be issued)
  • A civil penalty of $50 on second offense
  • A civil penalty of $100 on third offense
  • A civil penalty of $200 on any fourth or subsequent offense

The ordinance also states that the township may add penalties for attorneys’ fees and the cost of enforcement should they seem it necessary.

The consideration of adoption will be held at tonight’s meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. For more information on the Board of Supervisors’ meetings, visit https://www.whitpaintownship.org/279/Board-of-Supervisors. The board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, and meetings are open to the public. The meetings are held at the Whitpain Township Administration Building at 960 Wentz Road, Blue Bell. To email the board your input, use supervisors@whitpaintownship.org.


Melissa S. Finley

Melissa is a 26-year veteran journalist who has worked for a wide variety of publications over her enjoyable career. A summa cum laude graduate of Penn State University’s College of Communications with a degree in journalism, Finley is a single mother to two teens, Seamus and Ash, her chi The Mighty Quinn, and the family’s two cats, Archimedes and Stinky. She enjoys bringing news to readers far and wide.






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