Acts Retirement Community will construct two separate building additions, install additional parking stalls, and reconstruct the entrance/drop-off area.
There are a number of construction projects in Lower Gwynedd Township designed to make improvement and upgrades within the township.
Local officials recently provided an update on the land development and subdivision projects currently being reviewed, approved or already under construction.
Projects in preliminary review include:
Whitefield Subdivision: 1348 Sumneytown Pike
The applicant, Genterra Corporation, originally proposed a 10-lot subdivision on a 15.7-acre parcel, however, the applicant is currently revising its plan and this project is currently on hold. This project included the demolition of the existing building, except for the existing historic home, and potentially would create nine new building lots. As proposed, eight of the lots would have had access off an extension of Forrest Drive with a cul-de-sac and the remaining two lots would be accessed from Evans Road.
Apartment & Retail Amendment at Spring House Corporate Center: 321 Norristown Road
BET Investments (Toll Brothers company) is requesting an amendment to rezone the property from D-1 Special Use to MF3 multi-family mixed use to allow a new apartment building to replace a mostly vacant office building. The applicant also wishes to add retail stores along Norristown Road. The township is still taking this matter into consideration.
Projects that have been approved or under construction include:
Spring House Estates – Act Community: 728 Norristown Road
Acts Retirement Community will construct two separate building additions, install additional parking stalls, and reconstruct the entrance/drop-off area. Additional improvements include a courtyard area including walkways, site lighting and landscaping, and a modification to an existing stormwater basin. This project has been approved but construction has not started.
Janssen Permanent Parking Lot: 1400 McKean Road
Janssen will install a permanent parking lot on its facility. This project is currently under construction.
Spring House Innovation Park - Building 14 Parking Lot and Electric Substation: 727 Norristown Road
Beacon Capital Partners is constructing a 1,942 square-foot electrical substation and adding a parking lot at Building 14 on their campus. This project is currently under construction.
Gwynedd Mercy University Francis M. Maguire Healthcare Innovation Center: 1325 Sumneytown Pike
Gwynedd Mercy University is constructing a 70,000 square-foot two-story nursing center and associated improvements. This project is currently under Construction.
Last year, the township utilized a little over $5 million in grants for infrastructure upgrades. Those include: