Register of Wills Tina Lawson, Esq. Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court (Image courtesy of Montgomery County)
We hope you are both enjoying and learning something from our exploration of Managing Montco. Each day, we aim to take a deeper dive into a role of a department within the county. We want to help you understand who that person is, what they do for the county, and what they can do to help you.
We are breaking down the roles of the nine departments known as “Row Officers.” And next on our list is the Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans Court.
What does the Register of Wills do?
There are many reasons you may need to visit the Register of Wills, and it isn’t just for the reason it may sound. The Register of Wills does probate wills and process the intestate estates (or those without wills) in Montgomery County. The office is also responsible for the collection of the Commonwealth’s inheritance taxes.
But the duties of this role do not stop there. The accounting, done by the personal representative of an estate, is also filed in this office, as well as the issuance of certificates which allow the transfer of estate assets.
“Many of our services are now online,” reads the county’s site. “If you need to appear personally at the Register’s Office, our office is always open. No appointments are necessary.”
One of the duties of the office is to handle the county’s Probate. In Pennsylvania, it is only necessary to probate a will if the decedent had assets (such as finances or real estate) that has not been assigned a beneficiary. If probate is necessary, it is recommended to do so online here.
Marriage License
Long gone are the days of a blood test and paper application. Today’s marriage licenses in Montgomery County are done online here. The only in-office issuance are for those appointments with a three-day waiver (which must include the appropriate documentation).
Should you need to request a copy of your own, certified marriage license, you can request one via the order site here. This too is a task completed with the help of the internet.
Petitions for Adoptions
The ‘orphans court’ portion of the title includes duties such as the oversight and filing of any petitions for adoptions. These are filed in the office of the Register of Wills, another duty you can seek assistance with online here.
Historic Birth Records
The register of wills also has the task of maintaining the birth records for all persons born in Montgomery County between the years of 1893 and 1915. All persons’ birth records born after 1915 are housed with the Pennsylvania’s Department of Health.
For some, the file of their birth and their death are all contained within this Row Officer’s position, a rather circle of life holder of important documents.
Who is the Montgomery County Register of Wills?
Tina Lawson, Esq. currently serves as the county’s Register of Wills. She has jurisdiction over the probate of wills and the granting of letters of administration for the full county.
The office, as a collection agency for the inheritance taxes of the county, often sees an average of $200 million annually cross the desks. Here, certified copies of wills, and “short certificates” for the transfer of certain securities, are issued.
Where can I find the Register of Wills?
As previously stated, much of the need for this office can be done in the convenience of your own home, online. However, should you require an in-person visit, the office is located in One Montgomery Plaza, 425 Swede St., Norristown, on the building’s fourth floor.
In order to mail items to this office, the mailing address is Register of Wills, P.O. Box 311 in Norristown, Pa., 19404. To reach the office by phone, dial 610-278-3400 or email questions to
The hours of the office are 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.