At the March 4 Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors meeting, local officials awarded contracts for construction of Wissahickon Park upgrades in West Ambler.
A contract for Phase 1 Wissahickon Park Improvements was awarded to MECO Constructors, Inc. of Bensalem in the low bid amount of $2,294,000. This covers general construction of the park. A second contract for Phase 1 Wissahickon Park Improvements, which includes electrical construction, was awarded to Wise Electrical Contractors of Glenside in the low bid amount of $310,000.
Construction is expected to begin this spring. The new park will feature playing courts, a grass volleyball court, a tot-lot playground for children ages 2-5, a separate playground for older children ages 5-12, and a 0.5-mile paved walking trail around the perimeter of the park. There will also be sidewalk installations to make the park accessible to the community and ample parking.
Wissahickon Park was an active Township park in the West Ambler community of Whitpain Township before it closed in the mid-1980’s due to asbestos contamination. The park property is one portion of what was known as the BoRit Asbestos Site, which was used from the early 1900s to the late 1960s to dispose of asbestos containing materials.
Whitpain has been planning for well over a decade to reopen the park once extensive work was completed to remediate the site by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This has been a lengthy process due to environmental concerns, and the Township has worked cooperatively with the EPA, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and the US Army Corp of Engineers to ensure public safety before, during, and after construction.
Extensive community discussions about the park have taken place over the years at West Ambler Revitalization meetings and at meetings specifically geared toward park planning. The Township has secured two large grants, one from the Federal Government and the other from the state, to help pay for park improvements. Together, these grants total over $2.4 million and will combine with over $1 million in Whitpain Township funds to support park construction.
In mid-2024, the Township received approval from the regulatory agencies to move forward with initial construction of the park. The goal is to create a new park and recreation facility for generations of neighborhood residents to enjoy.