Upper Dublin Police Department hosting 'Underage and Dangerous Drinking' presentation

Teens are particularly vulnerable because alcohol impairs critical abilities such as reaction time, decision-making, and coordination

  • Public Safety

Drinking and driving is a dangerous and reckless behavior, especially for teenagers who are still developing their driving skills and judgment. For young drivers, the combination of alcohol and inexperience behind the wheel significantly increases the risk of accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. 

To help combat this issue, the Upper Dublin Police Department will conduct an “eye-opening” presentation on the dangers of underage drinking and excessive drinking. 

Police officers will host “Underage and Dangerous Drinking,” on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Shanis Auditorium at the Upper Dublin Library, 520 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington.

The presentation will provide valuable insights into the legal, health, and social consequences of alcohol misuse among young people. Attendees at the free event will learn about current trends, real-life scenarios, and strategies for prevention and safety.

Teens are particularly vulnerable because alcohol impairs critical abilities such as reaction time, decision-making, and coordination. As a result, drinking and driving can have devastating consequences, not only for the driver, but also for passengers, other motorists, and pedestrians. It’s crucial for teens to understand the risks and make responsible choices to protect themselves and others on the road.

According to UDPD, this presentation is ideal for teens and young adults, parents, guardians, educators, and community members who “want to stay informed and help guide young people toward making safe and responsible choices.” 

There will also be an opportunity for questions and discussions with law enforcement professionals. 

For more information and to register, email registration@udpd.us


Robby Chakler

Robby Chakler is a veteran journalist/editor with nearly 20 years of experience in print and online media. He has worked at daily print newspapers, magazines and online publications. He grew up in Huntingdon Valley and has stayed in the local Montgomery County area since graduating from Penn State University in 2006, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism.






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